Step 1:
Find a picture of star- I always trace line drawings from laptop- it's basically a light box!
Step 2:
Cut shape out from cardboard - a cereal box is good to use
Step 3: draw 96 stars out on different coloured card stock - this was a gift for a baby boy, so I used white, light blue, dark blue & white- which I then spray painted silver
Step 4: using fishing line & beads, start to thread on the stars- using a bead to keep a separation between stars. You should make 8 strings with 5 stars , 8 strings with 6 stars and 1 string with 7 stars.
Step 5: get a embroidery ring or a stiff ring from somewhere approx 30 cm in diameter - I cut the top of a bucket with a stanly knife and the spray painted it silver.
Step 6: using the fishing line, tie 4 pieces of line across the ring, making 8 pieces of pie or 8 spronged wheel
Step 7: start tying the star strings to the wheel- the lines with 5 stars should be tied to the outer edge of the wheel, the lines with 6 stats should be tied to the middle of the lines and the one with 7 should be tied to the centre. This creates a chandelier effect.
Step 8: add some ribbon to 4 points on the ring and bring them together in the centre- this is where you can hang the mobile from.
So creative! I've just stumbled it. ;)